Mr Jax,
You are such a sweet little boy and so happy! You are wearing 12 months clothes, eating everything in site (loves chicken, pimento cheese, cream of chicken soup and crackers, Milk, juice, & anything sweet!)You are still staying with your GG while mommy and daddy work. Still taking 2 naps a day unless it's Sunday and you go to bed around 8ish and sleep until 7:30is the next morning. You are so easy to put to bed...give you your pacci and lay you down. You love playing with Jase and following him around the house. You don't really like riding in the car but we are working on that! You are so loved by so many people and you seem to love everyone your around especially your Nana, Mamaw and GG. Can't wait until you start walking and I don't think it will be too much longer :(

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