Our "little" boy has started Kindergarten!! He had a great first day and seems to really enjoy the big boy school!

I've been waiting on my Sister-in-law (SIL) Heidi Moses href="http://marriedtoamoses.blogspot.com/"> to update her blog with the exciting news about little Kaden's arrival, but I can't wait any longer! Kaden Avery was born on 8/15/10 at 9:35am He and Mommy are doing well and everyone is so in love with him! I've thoroughly enjoyed my time with him and can't wait watch him grow up!

We had Jax's first birthday party at his Nana & Papa's house. What a day! It started out really hot and wouldn't you know it started raining just before everyone showed up. Everything was perfect! The food was good, the cake was awesome (thank you Michelle Ray), we had a great turn out and the kids had a blast! Jax really loved his cake! He just dove right in...

We had a great Labor day weekend! Friday night the boys went to their mamaw's house (thank you MIL), daddy worked, & Mommy went to Rebecca's house for a girls night in! We had a great time eating, talking, competitions, card games, food, & a great way to end the night...watching New Moon!

Saturday morning Jason and I went to pick up the boys and headed to Lake Winne with the Dotson's

I have fallen to the peer pressure...and got my little man's hair cut :(
One of my very best friends, Lessie, is very close to completing hair school and she was honored when I called to ask if her if she would cut his hair! She did an awesome job and he was very good too! But I'm missing his little curls...it does look better but I've got to get past this little pitty party! I just can't believe he is growing up so fast!

I'll be back with an update of the house...
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