We've also had some health issues arise quickly. My grandmother, Sarah, who keeps Jax has discovered that she isn't in the best health. She went to the doctor last month as a routine check up and they found a small soft mass. She then had to go see an ENT who ordered an ultrasound because there was a pulse. After an ultrasound, it was determined that she had an aneurysm and it has to be removed. Wow! That's a lot to absorb. So before surgery, they had her go in and do a stress test. Unfortunately she didn't pass the test. So we are here waiting on the next step. Her surgery is scheduled for February 4th. She asked her surgeon how many of these surgeries he has done and he was honest and told her 1 in the past 20 years. This is a very rare and risky surgery to administer. Ok, so I'm starting to get really nervous now...1 in the last 20 years? She went from keeping and playing with Jax every day to laying around because she is scared to death to move. Jax misses her like crazy and boy does she miss him.
Since she isn't able to keep him any longer and I unfortunately have to work full time, we've had to begin the search for childcare. Wow! That's been a difficult task. There were 4 places in the Hixson area with openings - 2 of them $200 or more a week, 1 around $175, and the other affordable at $130. Of coarse we couldn't be satisfied with the most affordable. So we had to go with the second best...which they gave a 10% discount to us due to our government ties! Praise the Lord!
So not only am I worried to death about my grandmother's health and her daily routine being ceased, I'm very nervous about Jax adjusting to the life at daycare. His GG took such awesome care of him everyday. She loved him so much - and still does. If he didn't like the 1st lunch she fixed him, she'd fix something that she knew he'd eat. I'm sure his new place of care will not be so accommodating. So, with all the changes going on in our lives, I ask that you please keep my grandmother and our family in your daily prayers. I've learned to trust in the Lord, but have yet to learn to cast my fears upon him. I'm working on that though. Hope you have a blessed week.

I am so sorry about your grandmother. I know you must be worried. Jax will be just fine. Might take a few weeks but he will adjust. But I know it won't be the same as your grandmother keeping him. Keep strong in the Lord and He will get you through :)