I put the camera up and tried to hide my disappointment (it's only a picture!) and went to worship the Lord! Half way through our performance the sun popped out and wow...it was beautiful! I got back to my seat and wow the kids looked like they had been to a birthday party!
Oh my lordy...look at this little handsome fella and his beautiful mommy!
I could just eat him up!
After an awesome message brought by Brother Gary, we had a wonderful spread by several of our small group families. From smoked ribs, ham, fried chicken, chicken salad, potato salad, slaw, macaroni and cheese to all the sweets. Wow! We had the best time! The kids played a game of waffle ball and Jax just ran around like a free puppy! He used to be so shy and wouldn't let me get out of his sight...
I don't know what I was doing, but my camera never came back out of the bag so I missed lots of photo opts :(
But, here are several snap shots of the past few weeks.
It's baseball season and Jase is loving it! He's doing so well! Thus far, he's hit 3 home runs, several triples, several doubles, and only got out a few times! He started the season at 3rd base and after coach seeing how well he could make a throw from 3rd base to 1st...he was moved to the pitcher circle! We couldn't be more proud of this kid!
A few weeks ago, my sister-in-law's sister, Holly got married. She had a beautiful wedding and made a gorgeous bride. I got a few pictures and hope she won't mind that I'm posting them. So glad to have been a part of her special day!
Congrats to Holly and Adam. We wish you a lifetime of happiness.
We'll be back with more updates soon. Baseball season will be winding down and school will be out soon! So, we'll have plenty of time to just chill out!
I'm asking that you take the time to pray for many in our area. 6 tornado's hit our area on April 27 and several lost their lives and homes. Please pray for our community. Also, a close friend of the family just found out that her 3 year old niece has a lemon size tumor on her brain. They plan to operate Tuesday morning, please pray for Lilly and her family. We know we serve a great physician and just pray his hand is on that baby while in surgery. God bless!
Wow, You have been busy. Nice family.