WOW! Jase is 4 1/2 years old! I can't believe that my little baby boy is getting so big. Reality set it once we brought Jax home from the hospital. Jase looked like a giant compared to him. So since he is getting so big...his daddy thought it would be cool to take his training wheels off...so far no major crashes - Thank God!!!

So we are still loving life and adjusting to having to little baby boys and everyone seems to be doing well! We are still thanking God for our blessings and praying for his guidance in raising these sweet little boys!
I must say...Jase is a sweet and loving little boy... He really loves his uncle Kevin (probably more than Kevin realizes)! He loves everything Kevin does and teaches him. I just knew that when he snatched a gallon of milk out of the fridge (at Mike and Brenda's), opened it and turned it up to get a drink...that he would say Uncle Kevin taught him how to do that (used to be his answer for everything)! Well...his response when we asked him who taught him how to do that...he said Mommy and Daddy. Talk about being embarrassed!

So on this same day we headed down to the pool and Jase had to tease uncle Kevin and tell him that his Hummer (FJ) couldn't go in the rocks...20 minutes after sliding in the mud and having a great time...we get stuck! Yes...stuck! After 15 minutes of trying to get the Hummer out...Jase looks at me and says Mommy...I want to go swimming! Just like a little Moses...no patience!

So finally at the Pool! Now uncle Kevin...get in and play with me! Jase really needed this one on one time with everyone (mamaw was at the house with baby Jax)! Love our family time! Yes, this is Jase swimming in the deep end without arm floats!

And we can't forget about the most patient person in the world...aunt Heidi! She is awesome with Jase...always playing with him and trying her best to make him mind! I really think he thinks she has hung the moon and stars! He loves going to her Volleyball games to watch the girls! Wishing one day she and uncle Kevin will have us a baby cousin (hoping for a little girl!) to love on and spoil! Can't wait!!!!

Well...I think I should take advantage of jumping in the shower while Mr. Jax is snoozing in his swing! What a little blessing!! Could just eat him up!

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