Jase did great for his first time playing! He was a little confused about who to cover but did an excellent job! He scored 2 points! Well, the first one didn't count - his team mate had already scored. But he made the shot! He was so excited!!!

I am so proud of him!!! I am so very thankful that he loves playing sports! He uses a lot of his energy and learns so much from it. I love that it is a time when family can get together and fellowship while showing Jase how much he is loved!

After the ballgame we went to Cracker Barrel with Heidi, Kevin, mamaw, and grandpa. Jase loves Heidi and Kevin (and everyone else) so of coarse he had to beg to ride with them in the J-E-E-P (which he knows how to spell=SAD).
Let there and had to run to Walmart to get a gift and some snacks for the SEC Championship. Well...not all of that happened because Jax screamed the WHOLE time we were in Walmart (thought I was going to have a breakdown in the middle of the store). He was ready to eat and he was ready to eat RIGHT NOW. So we picked up the gift then headed to Pump-It-Up...greatest place to have a Birthday party!
Ms Savannah Stout (Lee George's, a friend I work with, granddaughter) was so kind to invite us to her 6th birthday party. Time has flown by...when we first met LeeAnne, Marshal, Savannah was only 2 years old! And Maddox wasn't thought of! They are a wonderful family who makes you feel like you are apart of the fam. We had a great time...Jax slept the whole time and Jase was red faced by the time we left.
Headed home to rest for a few minutes. Got the boys ready to go to EPB for our annual Christmas Open house...all I can say is WOW! The night starts with the parade then everyone heads inside to meet Santa and eat a wonderful meal. I can truly say that I work for a company who LOVES their employees!
Jax's first time meeting Santa with his big brother who LOVES Santa!

I think this is the sweetest picture!

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