I realize that it is the 21st day of the new year, but still not too late to let you know some of my new years resolutions that I hope to change my life forever - not just a year.
1. I am going to work on being a better wife. I want to speak kindly and respectfully to my husband. This past year, I felt horrible most of the time and poor Jason took the brunt of that. I know that being pregnant in the Summer time is not for me...and I know he agrees. We have made a start by moving Jase out of our room! Yep...he is sleeping in his own bed! I want to go on a date with Jason on a monthly basis - just me and him- and not talk about the kids.
2. I want to grow closer to God. I want to study his word and feel confident in sharing his word. I want to become more active in our Church and I want to bring those who do not have a relationship with God to church with me. I want to pray daily for those who have requested prayer and I want Jason and I to pray together daily.
3. I want to be a better friend. I have so many people who love and care for me and my time feels like it is stretched thin. I want to work on those relationships that I no longer have with friends that mean so much to me. I want to be there for my friends when I am needed - even when I don't know what to say or do. I want them to feel loved and cared for.
4. I want to get in shape! I am not setting a goal of weight loss (even though I have lost 4lbs since January 4!!!) I want to walk daily and eventually start running - with my hubby! I want to eat healthy - more meals cooked at home.
5. I struggle with having to work a full time job and be a part time mommy! So I want to take advantage of my time with my kids and love every minute of it. When Jax came along, I realized that I need to relish every minute because Jase has grown so fast and I am wondering where the time has gone??? I want to become more patient and loving with my boys. I want them to know that I love them more than life itself and would do what I could for them.
6. I want to be a better daughter/DIL. My parents have never failed me and I feel like I have gotten so busy in my life that I have "failed" them. Mom and I used to shop or do lunch every weekend. Then Jase got a little older and now Jax...so my goal is to do lunch with my mom one a week. I miss the relationship we once had! I know I could make major improvements at being a DIL. I want my in-laws to know that I love them and love that they gave me such an amazing man who loves his family so much.
7. I've never done this before...but I want to be the best aunt I can be for my new niece/nephew! I remember how much I adored my aunt Jerri. I loved her so much (and still do) and have so many childhood memories with her. I want to shower that baby with lots of love.
8. I want to do things weekly with Kevin and Heidi (and new baby). Jase loves them so much and they obviously love him too. There is nothing like family. My goal is to cook for them once a month and shower them with lots of love when Baby Moses arrives.
9. I want out of debt!!!! Goal is to not spend money that I shouldn't be spending - I can hear Jason saying "It's about time!" I do not want to go to walmart unless I have a list with my coupons!
10. I want to learn how to coupon better. I went through the class when I was expecting - but didn't learn the trick. So, my plan is to attend another class and get started. I want to SAVE, SAVE, SAVE!!!!
I also want to make a few other changes - going back to school to earn my Masters. And follow my dreams. Those of you reading this know exactly what I am talking about. I have a few more years to make this dream a reality! So please join me in prayer for the items above and making my dreams a reality. I'll be praying for you too.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Such a BIG boy!
Many of you have been praying with us and for us...and God has heard your prayers and answered them...

This is Jase sleeping in his big boy bed in his room! Praise the Lord!!!! He has been sleeping in there since Friday night, January 15. We thought it would be another attempt/failure again, but we were wrong! He doesn't whine or pitch a fit about going to bed!
Jason and I are so excited! We just sat and waited for him to come begging to sleep in our room...and he didn't!
Thank you all for your prayers and support through out this adventure in our lives.

This is Jase sleeping in his big boy bed in his room! Praise the Lord!!!! He has been sleeping in there since Friday night, January 15. We thought it would be another attempt/failure again, but we were wrong! He doesn't whine or pitch a fit about going to bed!
Jason and I are so excited! We just sat and waited for him to come begging to sleep in our room...and he didn't!
Thank you all for your prayers and support through out this adventure in our lives.
Lots of love for Angel and Bob
Here is the mommy-to-be

Angel and I met back in school (can't remember the grade) and we instantly became friends. She is the type of person just love! She is very kind, warm hearted, and a little bit funny too! It was a pleasure helping the others give her this amazing shower!
The real question is...Who knew I was so creative? I really impressed myself (with Heidi's help)! Here are a few things I made for Angel to welcome baby Callen...

The diaper cake...it was a big hit!

His name for his room...

A picture frame for his room

Closet organizers...wish I had a few of these!

Just a few of the things Heidi monogrammed for me! Missing items include a few more burp cloths including his TN one with matching wipe case! Too cute! Bob is an Ohio fan...
Here are a few pictures from the shower...

I must say not too bad! What a great day! Another miracle that God has made. Congrats Bob and Angel...can't wait to meet Callen.

Angel and I met back in school (can't remember the grade) and we instantly became friends. She is the type of person just love! She is very kind, warm hearted, and a little bit funny too! It was a pleasure helping the others give her this amazing shower!
The real question is...Who knew I was so creative? I really impressed myself (with Heidi's help)! Here are a few things I made for Angel to welcome baby Callen...

The diaper cake...it was a big hit!

His name for his room...

A picture frame for his room

Closet organizers...wish I had a few of these!

Just a few of the things Heidi monogrammed for me! Missing items include a few more burp cloths including his TN one with matching wipe case! Too cute! Bob is an Ohio fan...
Here are a few pictures from the shower...

I must say not too bad! What a great day! Another miracle that God has made. Congrats Bob and Angel...can't wait to meet Callen.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Gearing up, hiding out & looking alike
Love catching Kevin "practicing" with a little one. He does a great job until little man starts crying...

As you can tell in the picture Jax didn't feel well at all. I was happy to see company so I could take a short break from being mommy to a little angel who didn't feel well. I love that our family is right here in Chattanooga and can see the boys when and as much as they want! We love family time!!
Jase is to the age that if you give him a project, he will work on it until he has completed every single bit of it! Wonder how long that will last? He spent hours working on his "house" it had to have a window, a sunroof, and must have a door. It was so funny when Jason was cutting the door - he almost cut the entire rectangle out and Jase said "No daddy, you need to do it this way!" He has been hanging out with my dad way too long! Dad teaches him how to be resourceful and how to work with tools, nails, & wood! Thanks dad for showing our little man how to be so skillful at an early age. By the way, if he thought he could sneak that box cutter away, he would have cut that door by himself! Wish I had a video camera to capture the whole thing.

So as you can see, he and his little brother are hanging out in his house - watching TV with the light on with the Chipmunks and Chipetts. He plays in his house everyday when we get home from school.
I love these boys more than you could imagine and I am so thankful that God has given me so many things to be thankful for!
Here is Jase at 5 1/2 months maybe 6 months...

And here is Jax at 5 1/2 months...

So what do you think? Look alike or not?

As you can tell in the picture Jax didn't feel well at all. I was happy to see company so I could take a short break from being mommy to a little angel who didn't feel well. I love that our family is right here in Chattanooga and can see the boys when and as much as they want! We love family time!!
Jase is to the age that if you give him a project, he will work on it until he has completed every single bit of it! Wonder how long that will last? He spent hours working on his "house" it had to have a window, a sunroof, and must have a door. It was so funny when Jason was cutting the door - he almost cut the entire rectangle out and Jase said "No daddy, you need to do it this way!" He has been hanging out with my dad way too long! Dad teaches him how to be resourceful and how to work with tools, nails, & wood! Thanks dad for showing our little man how to be so skillful at an early age. By the way, if he thought he could sneak that box cutter away, he would have cut that door by himself! Wish I had a video camera to capture the whole thing.

So as you can see, he and his little brother are hanging out in his house - watching TV with the light on with the Chipmunks and Chipetts. He plays in his house everyday when we get home from school.
I love these boys more than you could imagine and I am so thankful that God has given me so many things to be thankful for!
Here is Jase at 5 1/2 months maybe 6 months...

And here is Jax at 5 1/2 months...

So what do you think? Look alike or not?
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Monday, January 11, 2010
Where did the weekend go?
Friday night we headed over to the Caldwell's for dinner and a little Dance Revolution on the Wii - which I must admit I had a great time! I'm getting better - slowly making improvements! We must like chaos...because we had 6 kids (from age 6-4) and Jax running around wild, but they had a great time!

Savannah loving on Jax...

Very few incidents this visit! Travis made Poppy sead chicken, white rice (YUMMY), green beans, corn, rolls, & I know you are wondering what Jason ate - I brought a bucket of KFC! Didn't last long and boy did it smell good...I didn't eat any...I have started this diet thing again. But since last Monday - I've lost 3 lbs!!!!!!! I just knew that I would step on the scales this AM and notice a gain after the weekend. But I was wrong!
Saturday was busy as usual! The day started at 7:30...Mr. Jax wanted his cereal. He loves banana's and cereal. He was trying out his teething bar...

But had to take a break for a sweet smile! He loves his new seat!!
Then off to Jase's Basketball game. Did I mention that it was C-O-L-D & his games starts a 9AM???? Freezing that morning. Jase did great! He made several goals!
After the game we headed to Chick-fil-a (our ritual for Saturday mornings). I have to let you know that Jax was so good during the game...he sat in his car seat and played for about 30 mins - yes it's the same seat he once cried in! He also sat there the whole time at Chick-fil-a! He is such a good baby...makes me sad to know that there will be no more.
After brunch...Jase decided that he wanted to go to the car show with Grandpa because he LOVES car shows (grandpa). He only wanted to go so he could meet Sam from ICarly and Sponge bob. So, I took advantage of beating Jason in a few matches of tennis and bowling! Yes, we have to sneak to play because Jase gets upset. We soon got a call from Jase that he was bored and ready to come home. LOL! I knew that wouldn't last long. So daddy headed downtown to get him and my fun began...Cleaning house. YUCK!!!
Mom and dad got to the house around 4:30ish...and upon her arrival she wanted Jase to be waiting on her at the door. She wanted to take him for a ride in this...

So he took off in his joggin pants and cowboy boots. Crazy kid. When they got back - I kept hearing the horn beep - well it was because Jase was driving. Mom and Dad kept the boys for us while we went to Outback for Mr. Brad Ryans's 30th Birthday celebration! We had a great time catching up with old friends. Before we left, I started taco's for mom, dad, & Jase. Jase loves Mexican - I guess because I ate it like crazy when I was prego! When we got home...mom and dad looked tired! I had dad working while he was there - he hung a new shelf in Jase's closet. The kid has too many clothes!
Here are a few pics from the party...

And me and my handsome hubby..

And the birthday boy enjoying his cake and eating it too...

Sunday was crazy as well - Jason went to work and the boys and I went to church. It was SO COLD Sunday morning. I left my jacket at home in the midst of trying to hurry out the door - the boys had everything they needed though. This Sunday was my first day back in the choir and WOW is about all I can say! We had a packed house! They were pulling chairs and making rows behind the pews. I also had a surprise...Mike Moses came to church with me. That was a nice surprise...he said he had a great idea (that's what Jase says all the time) he and Jase took daddy lunch at the Fire hall. That was probably a good idea...Jax started running a temp and boy was it a long night. He went to the doctor this morning and everything was OK - just a cold? Bless his heart - he was miserable last night.
Well, another great day that the Lord has made and many more blessing to add to the list. Wanted you all to see how sweet my little boy really is...

Savannah loving on Jax...

Very few incidents this visit! Travis made Poppy sead chicken, white rice (YUMMY), green beans, corn, rolls, & I know you are wondering what Jason ate - I brought a bucket of KFC! Didn't last long and boy did it smell good...I didn't eat any...I have started this diet thing again. But since last Monday - I've lost 3 lbs!!!!!!! I just knew that I would step on the scales this AM and notice a gain after the weekend. But I was wrong!
Saturday was busy as usual! The day started at 7:30...Mr. Jax wanted his cereal. He loves banana's and cereal. He was trying out his teething bar...

But had to take a break for a sweet smile! He loves his new seat!!
Then off to Jase's Basketball game. Did I mention that it was C-O-L-D & his games starts a 9AM???? Freezing that morning. Jase did great! He made several goals!
After the game we headed to Chick-fil-a (our ritual for Saturday mornings). I have to let you know that Jax was so good during the game...he sat in his car seat and played for about 30 mins - yes it's the same seat he once cried in! He also sat there the whole time at Chick-fil-a! He is such a good baby...makes me sad to know that there will be no more.
After brunch...Jase decided that he wanted to go to the car show with Grandpa because he LOVES car shows (grandpa). He only wanted to go so he could meet Sam from ICarly and Sponge bob. So, I took advantage of beating Jason in a few matches of tennis and bowling! Yes, we have to sneak to play because Jase gets upset. We soon got a call from Jase that he was bored and ready to come home. LOL! I knew that wouldn't last long. So daddy headed downtown to get him and my fun began...Cleaning house. YUCK!!!
Mom and dad got to the house around 4:30ish...and upon her arrival she wanted Jase to be waiting on her at the door. She wanted to take him for a ride in this...

So he took off in his joggin pants and cowboy boots. Crazy kid. When they got back - I kept hearing the horn beep - well it was because Jase was driving. Mom and Dad kept the boys for us while we went to Outback for Mr. Brad Ryans's 30th Birthday celebration! We had a great time catching up with old friends. Before we left, I started taco's for mom, dad, & Jase. Jase loves Mexican - I guess because I ate it like crazy when I was prego! When we got home...mom and dad looked tired! I had dad working while he was there - he hung a new shelf in Jase's closet. The kid has too many clothes!
Here are a few pics from the party...

And me and my handsome hubby..

And the birthday boy enjoying his cake and eating it too...

Sunday was crazy as well - Jason went to work and the boys and I went to church. It was SO COLD Sunday morning. I left my jacket at home in the midst of trying to hurry out the door - the boys had everything they needed though. This Sunday was my first day back in the choir and WOW is about all I can say! We had a packed house! They were pulling chairs and making rows behind the pews. I also had a surprise...Mike Moses came to church with me. That was a nice surprise...he said he had a great idea (that's what Jase says all the time) he and Jase took daddy lunch at the Fire hall. That was probably a good idea...Jax started running a temp and boy was it a long night. He went to the doctor this morning and everything was OK - just a cold? Bless his heart - he was miserable last night.
Well, another great day that the Lord has made and many more blessing to add to the list. Wanted you all to see how sweet my little boy really is...
Friday, January 8, 2010
Monday, January 4, 2010
Exciting news, Holidays, and this and that
I'm warning you...I'm way behind so there are A LOT of pictures.
I am so excited!!!!!! And here's why...

Yes, Kevin and Heidi are expecting their first little one on August 15. They are going to be wonderful parents!!! And I know this because of how much love they have for our boys. We had everyone in Chick-fil-A excited when I read Jase's shirt. I promise to be the best Aunt I can be! Can't wait to see what this little Angel is going to be and can't wait to start buying lots of stuff for Baby Moses.
Congrats Kevin and Heidi...your life will never be the same and you will love every minute of it!
The Holiday celebration started with a cookie swap at Heidi's house with a few of their close friends. This was my first time...and it was really fun!
Here are the goodies

And what's a party without boys?

Look at how big my little man is getting :( I don't want him to grow up nor do I want my big little boy to turn 5 in a few months...where does the time go???

The next stop was our Small group party...we met at Ichiban and had dinner (YUMMY) then over to Adam and Rebecca's for dessert (not sure who had room to eat anything after that meal)

And thanks to Adam and Rebecca for opening their home to us to do our study.

We had a great time with the gift swap and playing the Dance Revolution on the Wii!
Next stop is at Grandma Moses's house...we celebrated Tuesday night (the night before Jax was diagnosed with RSV) by eating pizza and KFC and lots of goodies. Followed by a gift swap and many memories... (will update post with pic's later)
Next night was Christmas with Nana and Papa at their house with a warm fire and Chick-fil-a nuggets and my favorite twice baked potatoes! This was not a very good day for us! Jax was diagnosed with RSV. I was so scared!!!! But we had a great time with mom and dad and the boys were very excited! Jase had already made a pile for everyone - it's crazy that he knows how to read our names! He is getting so big too fast! He got his easy bake oven that he wanted really bad. He loves to make cookies and Brownies! We got a dual screen DVD player for the car! YEAH!!!! I was so excited! Will have to post pictures later because we got to use the great camera of Brenda's!
Christmas eve was much different this year, we didn't get to go to my Nanny's house because of Jax being sick. We stopped by my Grandmother's that afternoon and headed down to Mike and Brenda's to swap gifts with the Moses family. Jase got a Wii!!!!!! I think I was more excited about it than he was! Jax got so many new toys and diapers oh and how could I forget...Formula!!!! Will have to post pictures later.
Christmas Day...Jason had to be at work at 7:00am :( This is the second year in a row that he has missed being home with us on Christmas day. Mom and dad (tradition) got there at 5:10 and we got Jase up. He came in there once while I was getting coffee and asked if would turn some lights off because it was too bright LOL! He went back to bed and I had to go get him. He didn't get really excited like I thought he would? Well, until after he checked outside:

What is he looking for???

Well...does this looked excited to you???

And this is what Jax did while Jase was checking out his new stuff from Santa

Yes, he was sound asleep with his finger on his cheek and when I took the picture he gave us a little smile!
Here are the boys in their matching PJ's that Aunt Heidi shopped hard for!

And Jase on his new big boy bike - that I will not let him ride without Jason being home!! Notice, it has NO training wheels - he is only 4!!

We had a great Christmas and we are so blessed. God has given us an amazing family, friends, great jobs, and most of all his unconditional love. Such a wonderful time of year! I must mention that all day on Christmas day, Jase would remind me that "Today is Jesus Birthday!" It brings tears to my eyes to know that Jase loves Jesus so much at such a young age!
I am so excited!!!!!! And here's why...

Yes, Kevin and Heidi are expecting their first little one on August 15. They are going to be wonderful parents!!! And I know this because of how much love they have for our boys. We had everyone in Chick-fil-A excited when I read Jase's shirt. I promise to be the best Aunt I can be! Can't wait to see what this little Angel is going to be and can't wait to start buying lots of stuff for Baby Moses.
Congrats Kevin and Heidi...your life will never be the same and you will love every minute of it!
The Holiday celebration started with a cookie swap at Heidi's house with a few of their close friends. This was my first time...and it was really fun!
Here are the goodies

And what's a party without boys?

Look at how big my little man is getting :( I don't want him to grow up nor do I want my big little boy to turn 5 in a few months...where does the time go???

The next stop was our Small group party...we met at Ichiban and had dinner (YUMMY) then over to Adam and Rebecca's for dessert (not sure who had room to eat anything after that meal)

And thanks to Adam and Rebecca for opening their home to us to do our study.

We had a great time with the gift swap and playing the Dance Revolution on the Wii!
Next stop is at Grandma Moses's house...we celebrated Tuesday night (the night before Jax was diagnosed with RSV) by eating pizza and KFC and lots of goodies. Followed by a gift swap and many memories... (will update post with pic's later)
Next night was Christmas with Nana and Papa at their house with a warm fire and Chick-fil-a nuggets and my favorite twice baked potatoes! This was not a very good day for us! Jax was diagnosed with RSV. I was so scared!!!! But we had a great time with mom and dad and the boys were very excited! Jase had already made a pile for everyone - it's crazy that he knows how to read our names! He is getting so big too fast! He got his easy bake oven that he wanted really bad. He loves to make cookies and Brownies! We got a dual screen DVD player for the car! YEAH!!!! I was so excited! Will have to post pictures later because we got to use the great camera of Brenda's!
Christmas eve was much different this year, we didn't get to go to my Nanny's house because of Jax being sick. We stopped by my Grandmother's that afternoon and headed down to Mike and Brenda's to swap gifts with the Moses family. Jase got a Wii!!!!!! I think I was more excited about it than he was! Jax got so many new toys and diapers oh and how could I forget...Formula!!!! Will have to post pictures later.
Christmas Day...Jason had to be at work at 7:00am :( This is the second year in a row that he has missed being home with us on Christmas day. Mom and dad (tradition) got there at 5:10 and we got Jase up. He came in there once while I was getting coffee and asked if would turn some lights off because it was too bright LOL! He went back to bed and I had to go get him. He didn't get really excited like I thought he would? Well, until after he checked outside:

What is he looking for???

Well...does this looked excited to you???

And this is what Jax did while Jase was checking out his new stuff from Santa

Yes, he was sound asleep with his finger on his cheek and when I took the picture he gave us a little smile!
Here are the boys in their matching PJ's that Aunt Heidi shopped hard for!

And Jase on his new big boy bike - that I will not let him ride without Jason being home!! Notice, it has NO training wheels - he is only 4!!

We had a great Christmas and we are so blessed. God has given us an amazing family, friends, great jobs, and most of all his unconditional love. Such a wonderful time of year! I must mention that all day on Christmas day, Jase would remind me that "Today is Jesus Birthday!" It brings tears to my eyes to know that Jase loves Jesus so much at such a young age!
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