Ashley being silly...she loved her breakfast too!

Heidi with her awesome softball shirt on...I need one of these if I am going to be going to DISNEY in April to SUPPORT the Lady Owls...

Yes you heard me right...we are going to Disney in April with the Lady Owls...I think I am more excited than Jase is! We had a great time the last time we went..I think Jase will LOVE it this year. He can ride a lot more rides this time! So the count down is on...133 days to go!
Look at this sweet and happy boy...after his breakfast! Even with a little cold!

And the man of the hour with his uncle "Seven" otherwise known as Kevin...he (being Jase) was awe struck with all the GIRRRLLS...he thinks they are all pretty!! I didn't realize that this started so early!

After the Pancake breakfast we headed to Cleveland with Kevin and Heidi to return some items...Jase and Kevin went to Dairy Queen to get a "drink" which ended up with an ice cream too! Then we went and had lunch at Chick-Fil-A. Jase ate good and then ate another ice cream!
After looking at a few cars (This is a ritual with the Moses boys!) we headed back to Kevin and Heidi's to take a nap. Seems like only the little boys took a nap! Heidi practiced her monogramming skills and made a burp cloth for Jax...which turned out so cute (forgot to get a pic :()
Then it was off to the East Ridge parade with Bryan and Ashley and her family. it was cold...but had a great time! Jase loved it! I'm going to barrow pictures from Heidi...

And Jax was snuggled up close to mommy...and slept most of the time!

And Jase loving on Jacob...too sweet!

Jase loves that Jacob is big enough to interact with him! He can't wait for Jax to get "Big"...yeah right!
After the Parade the Moses's and Tates were going to eat...Jase said he just wanted to go home and eat. Think he was tired???
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