Why does the weekend seem to FLY by but the hours away from my family seem to drag? When someone figures that out...let me know! Friday night Jase went to Mamaw's to stay the night and me and the other two boys went to our Bible study with our other family. Jax wasn't feeling so hot...and after bouncing and rocking until 12:30...i passed him off to daddy. He finally went to bed around 1:30ish. Jason said he had a belly ache (that's what he always says). Saturday morning we got up and rushed out the door. We sold our kitchen table (which was way to big for our kitchen) almost a month ago and I have been searching for a table with four chairs and a bench. Finally found one (after going to every furniture shop in Chattanooga) in Birmingham on Craigs List. So..Jason will be making a day trip (he offered). I can't wait!!!! Here is a picture...

We ate lunch at Ankar's then headed down to the in-laws to get Jase and Jax ready for our family pictures with Mrs Beth Harold (family!). WOW is just about all I can say. I absoulutely LOVE every single one of them! Here is a sneak peak...

And one of the sweetest...

Jase did great! He loves the camera?

I'm so thanful for my awesome boys and amazing husband! We are heading into our 8th year of marriage. Can you believe it has been 8 years? That seems so long ago.
Love you very much boys! Thank God for you.
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